I’d been waiting years
Until the Prophet came
He held forth all night
Smoked all my cigarettes
I didn’t understand a thing
Until the Prophet came
He held forth all night
Smoked all my cigarettes
I didn’t understand a thing
( trad Wiesiek Powaga 2007)
Andrzej Bursa era um polaco e um personagem cheio de humor. Nasceu em 1932 , publicou pela primeira vez aos 22 anos, morreu aos 25. Desmente a maneira pomposa como os palúrdios citam a famosa frase. O próprio Adorno explicou melhor depois ( Negative Dialectics):
"Perennial suffering
has as much right to expression as a tortured man has to scream; hence
it may have been wrong to say that after Auschwitz you could no longer
write poems. But it is not wrong to raise the less cultural question
whether after Auschwitz you can go on living--especially whether one who
escaped by accident, one who by rights should have been killed, may go
on living".